“Initiation involves a physiological metamorphosis: the circulating blood thought patterns of the mind absorb a new substance, the flavor of a secret wisdom. That flavor is the flavor of totality: but, in the Spartan version, it is the flavor of the society as totality. Thus we pass from the old to the new regime” (pg. 250 Cadmus).
In order to become a true spartan warrior a person has to go through a series of initiations to give them experience and teach them lessons. Initiations changes with time but it is still based off the original practice. An initiation changes a person and teaches them lessons about themselves.
Test Review:
Elliada Book
- Hainuwele- bore and the coconut and girl that was born from the coconut
- apallo
- earth mother of all
- enumelish
- hesiods theogony

picture: saturn devouring his children
Calasso Book Info. page numbers that questions will come from
- pg. 5 the basket
- pg. 15 etiology- why to greek men have slim hips
- pg. 39 goats- Rigory and her father, Eurigone (his discovery of how grapes ferment and become wine) origin of tragedy and understanding of Dionysus- tragedy is the song of the goat
- pg. 81 etiology- who has more fun making love? the man or the woman (woman have more pleasure) Hera blinds Tiresias
- pg.94- ate: infatuation (know what it means) divine infatuation a life with out divine infatuation is not worth living even though it brings a certain ruin- No life is worth living without divine infatuation
- pg. 383 definition of myth- “the precedent behind every action, it’s invisible, ever-present lining” essence of mythology- modeling something that has already been done (IN ILLO TEMPORE-in the beginning or in the great time or in the dream time or once upon a time)
- pg. 52 megan’s blog: calasso’s major theme- constantly declining as a culture
- conviviality
- rape
- indifference
- pg. 176 Calasso telling us how everything came about- all the people went to war the problem was Pelops- Who was Pelops? gave name to Pelaponesian people- son of Tantalus: something you want but you cant get it, Tantalus cut up his son, Pelops, and fed it to the gods. Demeter took a bite out of his shoulder. Tantalus would eternally be hungry and thirsty in the underworld. Wouldn’t have the Trojan war or anything if it werem’t for Pelops
- lada and the swan W. B. Yeats: Online Literature- the poem http://www.online-literature.com/yeats/865/
- zeus took the form of a swan- the trojan war would have not happened if Zeus had not raped Leda
Mythos (story) Logos (truth): Mythologies are trues stories
From Primitives to Zen, By: Mircea Elliade- Creation of Myths page 83
- Ex Nihilo is the creation out of nothingness. High beings create everything by thought or by word, or by heating himself in a steam-hut. The words that are said have the power of becoming real.
- Earth diver myths god sends down aquatic birds or amphibious animals, or dives down himself, to the bottom of the primordial ocean to bring up a particle of earth from which the entire world grows.
- The creation by dividing in two a primordial unity (one can distinguish three variants: a. separation of Heaven and Earth, that is to say the World-Parents; b. separation of an original amorphous mass, the 'Chaos'; c. the cutting in two of a cosmogenic egg)
- Creation by dismemberment of a primordial Being, either a voluntary, anthropomorphic victim (Ymir of the Scandinavian mythology, the Vedic Indian Purusha, the Chinese P'an-ku) or an aquatic monster conquered after a terrific battle (the Babylonian Tiamat).
multiple choice questions
- Which of these four things was the mother of the Muses? Mnemosyne
- What was Persephone doing before she was abducted by Hades? picking flowers-Narcissus (flower of self regard)
- The suggestion that we are all prisoners chained to a wall watching the shadows and thinking of them as real? Plato- The Myth of the Cave
- The landmass now known as Europe was named after which person? Europa
- Who arrives appears unexpected and possesses? Dionysus- when a person drinks to much, no longer themselves
- What is the meaning of the mythological root of: enthusiasm? en-theos: the god inside you, possessed by the god
- Who says “one more time Athena, love me, as much as you can”? Odysseus
- Abduction is always followed by what? metamorphosis
- Who was born form the the dismembered parts Uranus? Aphrodite- born from the foam; the goddess of love
- Who was the mother of the Minotaur? Pasiphae
- What word that means the tearing of limbs and ripping of the flesh? Sparagmos
- The great desire of the hero is to...? arrive where they started, go home
- Define Anamnesis.
- recollection. according to plato we know everything but we just forgot and the purpose of a teacher is to remind us of what we have forgotten
- What does the word “Apocalypse” mean? take a veil off to show the real appearance of the world
- What does Eschtology mean? the study of ends
- What in the greeks story was housed in the labyrinth? the minotaur
- Who was the destroyer of the delights? death
- Zeus took what forms to seduce women: Cloud- Io, Bull- Europa, Swan- Leda, Shower of Gold- Danae, Normal everyday mortal- Semle
- When a god agrees to something they can’t ever take it back...
- What does Zeus show to Semle? himself as he really was
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