Saturday, October 15, 2011


“Initiation involves a physiological metamorphosis: the circulating blood thought patterns of the mind absorb a new substance, the flavor of a secret wisdom. That flavor is the flavor of totality: but, in the Spartan version, it is the flavor of the society as totality. Thus we pass from the old to the new regime” (pg. 250 Cadmus).
In order to become a true spartan warrior a person has to go through a series of initiations to give them experience and teach them lessons. Initiations changes with time but it is still based off the original practice. An initiation changes a person and teaches them lessons about themselves. 

Test Review:
Elliada Book
  • Hainuwele- bore and the coconut and girl that was born from the coconut
  • apallo
  • earth mother of all
  • enumelish
  • hesiods theogony 
picture: saturn devouring his children

Calasso Book Info. page numbers that questions will come from
  • pg. 5 the basket
  • pg. 15 etiology- why to greek men have slim hips
  • pg. 39 goats- Rigory and her father, Eurigone (his discovery of how grapes ferment and become wine) origin of tragedy and understanding of Dionysus- tragedy is the song of the goat
  • pg. 81 etiology- who has more fun making love? the man or the woman (woman have more pleasure) Hera blinds Tiresias
  • pg.94- ate: infatuation (know what it means) divine infatuation a life with out divine infatuation is not worth living even though it brings a certain ruin- No life is worth living without divine infatuation 
  • pg. 383 definition of myth- “the precedent behind every action, it’s invisible, ever-present lining” essence of mythology- modeling something that has already been done (IN ILLO TEMPORE-in the beginning or in the great time or in the dream time or once upon a time)
  • pg. 52 megan’s blog: calasso’s major theme- constantly declining as a culture 
          1. conviviality
          2. rape
          3. indifference
  • pg. 176 Calasso telling us how everything came about- all the people went to war the problem was Pelops- Who was Pelops? gave name to Pelaponesian people- son of Tantalus: something you want but you cant get it, Tantalus cut up his son, Pelops, and fed it to the gods. Demeter took a bite out of his shoulder. Tantalus would eternally be hungry and thirsty in the underworld. Wouldn’t have the Trojan war or anything if it werem’t for Pelops
Mythos (story) Logos (truth): Mythologies are trues stories
From Primitives to Zen, By: Mircea Elliade- Creation of Myths page 83
  1. Ex Nihilo is the creation out of nothingness. High beings create everything by thought or by word, or by heating himself in a steam-hut. The words that are said have the power of becoming real.
  2. Earth diver myths god sends down aquatic birds or amphibious animals, or dives down himself, to the bottom of the primordial ocean to bring up a particle of earth from which the entire world grows.
  3. The creation by dividing in two a primordial unity (one can distinguish three variants: a. separation of Heaven and Earth, that is to say the World-Parents; b. separation of an original amorphous mass, the 'Chaos'; c. the cutting in two of a cosmogenic egg)
  4. Creation by dismemberment of a primordial Being, either a voluntary, anthropomorphic  victim (Ymir of the Scandinavian mythology, the Vedic Indian Purusha, the Chinese P'an-ku) or an aquatic monster conquered after a terrific battle (the Babylonian Tiamat).
multiple choice questions

  1. Which of these four things was the mother of the Muses? Mnemosyne
  2. What was Persephone doing before she was abducted by Hades? picking flowers-Narcissus (flower of self regard) 
  3. The suggestion that we are all prisoners chained to a wall watching the shadows and thinking    of them as real? Plato- The Myth of the Cave
  4. The landmass now known as Europe was named after which person? Europa
  5. Who arrives appears unexpected and possesses? Dionysus- when a person drinks to much, no longer themselves 
  6. What is the meaning of the mythological root of: enthusiasm? en-theos: the god inside you, possessed by the god
  7. Who says “one more time Athena, love me, as much as you can”? Odysseus
  8. Abduction is always followed by what? metamorphosis
  9. Who was born form the the dismembered parts Uranus? Aphrodite- born from the foam; the goddess of love
  10. Who was the mother of the Minotaur? Pasiphae 
  11. What word that means the tearing of limbs and ripping of the flesh? Sparagmos
  12. The great desire of the hero is to...? arrive where they started, go home
  13. Define Anamnesis.
  14. recollection. according to plato we know everything but we just forgot and the purpose of  a teacher is to remind us of what we have forgotten
  15. What does the word “Apocalypse” mean? take a veil off to show the real appearance of the world
  16. What does Eschtology mean? the study of ends
  17. What in the greeks story was housed in the labyrinth?  the minotaur
  18. Who was the destroyer of the delights? death
  19. Zeus took what forms to seduce women: Cloud- Io, Bull- Europa, Swan- Leda, Shower of Gold- Danae, Normal everyday mortal- Semle
  20. When a god agrees to something they can’t ever take it back...
  21. What does Zeus show to Semle? himself as he really was

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