Thursday, November 3, 2011


Test Review:

page. 209-212 the four stories that make up the quaternary (personalty profile by briggs that has to do with feelings, sensation, intuition, kore means pupil
zeus-thinking (up)
athena-sensation (out) community, goddess of the city
dionysus- feeling (down) pure unadulterated feeling, incubus, chthonic- of the underworld, disassemble social identity to get you away from all real feelings
demeter- intuition (in)  mother and daughter
page 209: persephone being abducted by hades; narcissus flower; narcissist- obsessed with themselves. to look at the very acting of looking at yourself
calls persephone Kore
triple goddess represented by three women: mother, daughter and krone 
page. 225-226 athena, hephestus chops open zeus’ head to release athena
page 244- mysteries of eleusis, greeks respect it more than anything else
pg 336- how would you define homeric (that is all you get, what you see) theology?
“what we call homeric....supremacy of the visible”
  • theology( religion-that what we see) that gives power to that, that is visible to you
  • When you can no longer see you have nothing (daylight and light)
  • everything is done in the sun, in the light
chapter 11 pg. 359- “how do the heros....extinction...destiny for us...bards”
  • why do we suffer?
    • we suffer to sacrifice ourselves for the happiness of others
  • “this is the work of the gods....future”
chapter 12 pg. 383-391
  • definition of myth
  • marriage of cadmus and harmony
    • last time the gods and humans got together for dinner
  • the gods were an invasion of the mind and the body when they hung out with the humans
  • what conclusions can we draw? stories” pg.387
  • cadmus is the founder of Thebes- greatest disaster cadmus gives to the world is the fly’s feet “vowels and consonants....” gave the humans the alphabet 
calasso ended the book with how he started it

Eliade book:
Homeric Sacrifice for the Dead #95
Initiation of the Warrior #145
Dionysus and the Bacchae #147
The Eleusinian Mysteries #148
Death and Initiation in the Mysteries #149
The Taurobolium #150
The Decent of Ishtar to the Nether World #158
rites and rituals

  1. What does spiritus mundi mean? the spirit of the world
  1.   At the marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, what animals draw the chariot?  the bore and the lion
  2. What country are the Nacirema tribe from? America
  3. Which of the three things in the Eleusinian mysteries was the origin of theater? the thing done becomes the the origin
  4. What is the study of the soul? psychology- the study of the soul
  5. Who at birth was her beauty only appreciated by her father (she had two faces, four eyes and horns)? persephone page 204
  6. What is the origin of our legal/judicial system? the story of orestes-athena
  7. What is the term where a women take over the night where they can do whatever they want to do to men, with out any consequences?  Der Tote Toge (day of the dead)
  8. What is the animal that is associated with the Taurobolium? a bull
  9. What makes something sacred? giving it a name, ritualize our thinking to make it sacred, something is made sacred it is not sacred at the beginning
  10. According to your instructor who is the real hero? me, us; we are all heroic
  11. James Joyces novel which talks about an ordinary man and an ordinary day. This story is modeled after what greek hero? Odysseus
  12. According to the irish poet WB Gates in his poem the second coming....history is composed of two thousand year cycles; which comes from the visitation of a _______ who impregnates a _________? bird and a woman
  13. What is the greek image for the soul? image of a butterfly
  14. Who did Zeus eat and gained wisdom? Metis
  15. Which word best typifies a space carved out in which sacred rituals are carried out? Temenos
  16. Who is the god of the double (dithyramb[os]) door and what does it mean? Dionysus- was born twice: mother- simile, father from his leg- zeus
  17. Someone heard a divine voice at the end of the pagan world that said ___________? The Great Pan is Dead
  18. What is the fundamental difference between the god and the hero? morality- the gods don't die. the heros life is more fun
  19. When do the furies get pissed? kill your mother; dont kill anyone in your blood line
  20. What is the religious significance  of the story of cupid and psyche according to your instructor? the psychological development of the feminine 
  21. Which ritual came up 4 times or more during our presentations? rain making ritual
  22. What is the name of the girl that the king threw a sandal in her face? Charila What aspect of this ritual involves a thrown sandal?
  23. What greek play shows the clash between tradition and the state? Antigone This is the play in which a young woman buries her brother even though her burying her brother is punished by death?
  24. What is the latin root that we get the word senator? Senex
  25. Which of these definitions would be the best for archetype? an ancient or primordial image which is found universally in mythology; fairy tale and fantasy
  26. Which Eleusinian mystery pertains to fertility during a certain month? maypole
  27. The 22 points of the hero formula. Who covers most of the points in hero formula? Oedipus
  28. In this class which christian ritual did we discuss that had to deal with death and rebirth? baptism
  29. Why did Demeter put the baby in the fire? to make him immortal
  30. If you have someone in your family who is a daddies girl, whose archetype is she modeling? Athena

the great pan is dead
WB yeates: the second coming

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